Hello Tomtuttle,

Hope you are well.

When I put the M2s on their sides, I also had to stick a couple of Reader's Digests under them because of the angled speaker sides to make the drivers fire forward instead of upward.

I found that the speakers on their sides lost some detail and soundstage, I think the tweeter being so close to the top of the TV was causing a problem, and that orientation also put the Vortex port very near the surface of the TV. The Vortex port is located right behind the tweeter on the M2i, so it is normally about 7.25" above the speakers base. When the speaker is on its side it is less than an 1" from the TV, I am sure that causes some kind of interference. Also, the magnetic shielding was not sufficient to shield them from the TV when on their sides, I could only achieve good shielding vertical and toed inwards.

The M2i sounds 10 times better in the vertical orientation.

Maybe if you had a stand to elevate them from the surface of the TV, then they would sound the same on their sides. Say a stand about 10 inches or so high with a shelf that is smaller than the speaker case, so that the shelf does not interfere with the sound like the TV does.

Hope this sheds some light on this discussion.

