I too have had a couple of people drop by to listen to the Axioms (perfect strangers from the boards). Both guys are really nice and we had a great, relaxed time doing it. In both instances, I let the auditioner take the reigns and play what he wanted to hear at teh volume etc that he wanted to. I enjoyed the experience, because, while I love my M60s, it is a rarity when I have the time to sit down and critically listen to them...

(With the Olympics on and work picking up, I haven't even had a chance to watch a movie on the new set-up - three week later...it's really a shame. I figure after the Olymipcs are over, I can dive into the stack of new, but never viewed DVDs that have begun piling up since life got busy.)

Anyway, the point is - don't be shy - you'll never get ahead that way. And remember, the guy offering the audition did just that - he OFFERED the audition. You won't be imposing or getting in his way. He'll probably be jazzed to hear your comments about hsi system and set-up, and he's likely to be excited about sharing his hobby with someone new.