No doubt I'll get pissed on for this but...

I'm glad I got to watch "A New Hope" (Star Wars, kind of) before buying the DVD box set - saved myself $55.

George likes the whizbang stuff... George should learn not to mess with classics, I'm sure he'll be suggesting the Mona Lisa doesn't have enough lens flare and could use a CG matte.

The new CG additions to Star Wars turned me right off... I mean, 1978-1983 or whenever the movies were first released, a lot of the effects were done with models and scale explosions filmed with fast shutter cameras but at least they were organic. The CG hacked into the old movie looked incredibly out of place.

Don't get me started on the audio. The movie was rescored, a buttload of extra sound fx were added, but the dialog had the old, fat 70s analog sound to it, which was digitally gated... you hear crystal clear new digital sfx and musical score, then in cuts the old dialog sounding just like it did back then and harshly cuts back out. The movie suffers from serious lip flap (I was starting to wonder if they'd dubbed over parts of the original) which is unthinkable on a project this size. At one point, Grand Moff Tarkin looks like he's in a bad 70s Ninjasploitation movie.

I can accept an old movie sounding like an old movie... I'll watch Mel Brooks' History of the World Part I in mono if need be, but don't shave a rat and sell it to me as a poodle.

Bren R.