I have the widesscreen versions on VHS. But, don't have a VCR to run them on through my axioms. I have an old TV with a VCR combo in front of the threadmill that I can watch them on while jogging. That is usually reserved for Sports Center.

I'm just plain bummed about this... as I am not forking over the $$$ for this box set considering the reviews here -- of which I have learned to trust and respect.

Oh well. I broke my promise to hold out for the extended version of Return of the King, and went out and rented the first cut of it on DVD. I must say -- the sound track for ROTK is 2x better than either of the first 2. I think it was in extended 5.1 format...Whew! what a thrill that movie is on the Axioms. I was looking over my shoulders the whole time thinking, "where the heck did that come from!"

Can't wait to see the extended version with the extra scenes. We can all rest assured Peter jackson won't disappoint like George Lucas did. Sounds like just another money scam to me.