WEll, there are so many posts to reply to. I think this is my most successful thread yet

Picture: well, I'll try with the text thing...here goes


HA! I think I'm getting better! (simplicity is the key)

This is not the first kitten I've had (the first one I ever paid $180CAD for, though) I grew up on a farm and we were the strange-cat-lady farm... also, I've very impressed with this kitten. She is the most social cat I've ever met and came pre-trained for the litter box. (although she likes to eat plants, cords, feet, etc.) She does seem to have a problem with eye-goobers, though and she needs booster shots on the 12th.

BTW, when I lived with my parents in Highschool my neighbour had a 28lb cat. It was like a large fluffy keg with feet...

oh, also I always thought Kai was kind of a girl name...especially for an asassan which a cool blade thing that comes out of his (it's?) arm.
Man, I should start watching Lexx again... such a good Canadian show (read: such a weird show)

Last edited by Lexxen; 11/09/04 02:42 AM.

---|---|-O <- My Kitten (Grey and White) Also, accepting donations for the MX-700