i am late, and the conversation has changed several times, but i will chime in anyway.
i dont like cats. we had one when our first son was born, and he went wacko.. i dont know if the baby scared him, or if he was jealous of the lack of attention, but he just went crazy. he started attacking peoples feet when they walked in the door, he would jump on peoples head when they sat on the couch, and he started pooping on himself, then rubbing it on the walls and door jams.. needless to say, he was gone not too long after that.

now we have a chocolate lab named 'mocha'. she is great. super calm, and lets the kids climb all over her.

spiff- i used to have a whippit when i lived in memphis back in the early 90's. they are great urban dogs. very calm, no shedding, and very obedient. and fast. i have never seen a dog run like that, except when i was betting on them
