I hung mine from the ceiling.. The VP150 that is..
Tapped two small pilot holes on the top near the edges..
Twisted in a couple of small screw eyes..
For the ceiling, I used those self tapping drywall anchors..
Believe me, two medium size anchor are more that capable of supporting the speakers weight, but you can use the old stand by 'molly bolts' if weak at heart..
Twisted another two screw eyes into the anchors, add some chain, and 'done deal'..
If the wife doesn't like the look of the chain, cover it..
That's also two minutes work.. Just take a length of fabric, sew it long ways inside out (to hide the stitching), and slip it over the chain..
I really love my set up.. Nothing touching the big screen, height easily adjusted by adding or removing links, and in my case (black speaker, black chain cover with black wall behind it all, and with the spkr covers on, it disapears.. First time guests are always amazed at the "Flying" speaker !
Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, I run the speaker wire up the chain, inside the cover, across the ceiling and down the back wall.. I used flat speaker wire, and painted it to match the walls..

LFE ! The rest is just details..