>>I've even set my drum kit up again and have been taking lessons. I've been away from music for too long.

Yeah, that's the really great thing about having a good sound system, isn't it. It raises your interest in music in all ways, not just sitting and listening.

For the M3s, the one thing I find is that playing with the speaker separation vs. distance from you to the speakers really makes a difference. I find you can position the speaakers a bit further apart than with most other brands... and if you get it right the soundstage opens right up.

How are your speakers set up now, ie :

- distance from the back wall to the back of the speakers
- distance between the speakers
- distance from the speakers to your listening position
- height off the ground -- stands, bookshelf, ??
- pointing straight away from the wall or angled in a bit ?

If you search the board for "sweet spot" there is at least one post with good instructions for setting up speakers and listening position optimally. I just moved 'em around for a while, one nice thing about small speakers

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8