I hope you did not link all of your points in this email to me, as I was probably the closest to understanding your view point.

I put forth the pieces in my system ONLY to illustrate to you exactly what the others in this thread have mentioned - we did not say with any thought, what we did not like about the equipment in question - we simply started tossing insults. If you had stated clear, concise feelings, you may have received a warmer response. I do agree, and stated this, that some people on this board get easily offended when anyone dislikes Axiom. HOWEVER, primarily this is caused by people bent on a more insulting tact.

If they are not your fancy - great.
If they are the best you have ever heard - cool.

PS - I rather enjoyed a listening session I had with the 2.4's - and at one point I met Jim Thiel while in Kentucky for some IT consulting work.