I like your thinking.

I suppose we could wrap it up to a matter of diminishing returns. What returns on your money would one get when spending 20K for a set of fronts? Perhaps that little bit of "excellence" the owner would perceive is just enough to justify the cost to him or her. If that is their prerogative, so be it.

What I didn’t clearly articulate in my post was what bothers me most. The false perception that higher cost equates to quality. It’s a factor of our society; I see it almost everywhere. However, seldom does significantly higher cost really equate into directly into direct value for the investment.

No intention to stab at BMW owners, but if you study the 760Li, like I have, you would realize it is a very fine automobile; however, $117,300 MSRP? I could buy many amazing cars for 50k to 60K that would perform as well, ride almost as smooth, last as long—if not longer, and in some cases even do better than the 760Li, etc, etc. But the prestige and power some (I said SOME) feel when knowing most people on the road can not afford their car—but most covet it—helps justify that extra cost to them. It is part of the American way. I believe this same induced thought process of spending money does influence some who audition expensive speakers. I witnessed it with my audition mentioned above.

Just some more thoughts to stir the brain…by the way, I’ve test driven the 760Li; loved it, but just couldn’t feel like I could sleep at night knowing it costs that much jack—besides my wife would leave me if I bought it. I would have to be incredibly wealthy to not feel that way, and I don’t me sort of rich, but 7 digit rich….It's just a CAR, for crying out loud! Iron, leather, rubber, PLASTIC.