Gads, I'm responding to lots of stuff at once-what a trip!!

Well, mr.T Muffinman, may I introduce you to the M50: it just might be the "One speaker for Everyman"(Everyperson?)

While I haven't heard of anyone not liking the M40, pretty much the same has been said about the M50. Not too warm, not too cool, maybe "just right?"

Might just be a consideration? (I'm relying only on my association with the M3 as a real family member and the hope that the M50 will sound close enough the same, to fit in just as well)

I'll find out in a few days, as I'm pretty sure that I'll be ordering my M50s come Monday morning.

Anyway, maybe the M50s should recieve some consideration. Just a thought.

This ain't easy, is it?