well, i dont need the sound to WOW me all that much.. usually when they try and overdub the older movies with DTS, it rarely is impressive. but, that movie alone is worth being in any collection, even on VHS.

once i saw that movie as an adult, i realized that my parents were complete MORONS for taking a 7 year old kid to go see that. i was soooo scared of any 'body' of water.. i wouldnt take a bath, or even step over a puddle in the street cause i thought that damn shark was gonna jump out and get me!! its kinda funny to think about now, but as a kid, i was seriously freaked out.. and they also took me to see the original alien at the theater. when that dang thing popped out of the guys chest, i left the theater and waited in the lobby til it was over.. i was petrified.

geez, why couldnt my cheap a$$ parents just got a baby-sitter??
