This thread is bringing back a few long forgotten memories. I've been a suck since I was a kid when it comes to horror flicks, ghost stories and stuff like that.

I remember when I was in Junior High and one Friday night a month the school would host have a cheap movie night for neighbourhood students. One time they showed an Edgar Allan Poe movie, I think it was The Pit in The Pendulum. The movie freaked me out so much that when walking home with some frinds in the dark that night I insisted at least one of them had to accompany me up my street the door of my house. I couldn't do the walk up my street on my own. Also, for years as a kid when going to bed when the room was dark I'd always jump onto the bed from a few feet back so nothing underneath it could grab my leg on the way by.

So, the most scary flick I can remember seeing was Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It came out when I was in high school and scared the crap out of me. I don't think I've seen more than a few horror flicks since and that was about 30 years ago. Weird but stuff like Jaws, with animals etc., doesn't bother me much. Don't know why. But human blood, guts and demons who are gonna get ya do.