Hey Gem,
It's been awhile, if your still interested, I tried both 2 and 4 ohm resistors about a week ago on M22's (Thanx Joe!). I'm staying with the 2 ohm pair, which did'nt change the over-all sound as much as the 4 ohm. As a matter of fact I could barely detect any difference w/2 ohms from going without, other then the absence of that piercing sharpness.

I definitley enjoy the sound more with the resistors(hope your enjoying yours by now?), its actually more balance sounding(to my ears), minus the sometimes overbearing tweeter output. This subtle change is the deciding factor in my keeping these speakers, since I can now listen to rock, like TOOLS-Lateralus at moderately higher levels w/DAHLQUIST PDQ 1500 sub.

I had originally ordered the M22's to audition the "AXIOM sound" in considering the M60/M80's. I'm now considering the ENERGY C-9's along with the 2 AXIOMs, I prefer the 2 channel for music aswell as replacing my 11 year old POLK RTA 8TL's...any thoughts or previous threads on M80 vs C-9 would help. Best regards all.