30x30x10 is a HUGE room.. you will most definitely need the M60's to fill that much space. and i think a sub is necesary to make any HT shine. if budget is a concern, i would maybe skip on the center channel for now to ensure you can get the 60's and a sub. the EP350 will work very well.. you might also want to look into some of the subs offered by SVS and HSU. you might be able to save a few bucks going that route.

the axiom speakers are great(which i am sure you have figured out if you have been lingering here a while). my room is 28x26x8, and i have the 60's, QS8's and a VP150, and i have more detailed sound then i could have even hoped for.

and the H/K 7300 is a MONSTER receiver. its a good one, but it could be overkill for what you need. you might want to see if there are a few cheaper receivers that will still have the wattage and features that you desire. thats another good way to pinch a few dollars.

we are here to help, so feel free to ask any more questions that you may have. and welcome to the board!!
