I was in a similar situation. WAnted the ep500, and the 80's, but the ep500 was priced too high for my blood.

Now, my room is nowhere near the size of yours, and the 60's would have been loud enough for mine, but I WANTED the 80's.

So, I looked around for another sub, and ended up with the hsu vtf-mkii and with the money I saved on it, I got the 80's. Couldn't be happier.

Even if you can't afford any sub right now, GET THE 80's. With a room like that you need them. At least the 60's. For music the 80's can almost get away without a sub even for someone like myself that likes a lot of bass.

GET THE 80's

EP500/800/HSU VTF3/SVS PB2k/SB2k/SB-12