I had my M60's sitting on approximately 7" stands at the other house...to raise the mids / woofers above the level of the arm of the couch on one side...It helped to make sure that the arm was not absorbing all of those frequencies from those drivers...Could hear a difference after raising them...

The stands I was using (Radio Shack of 20 years ago or so) also tilted the speakers back a bit.

May try it in the new place (once I unbox them again) with stands and without and see if there is a difference in SQ from straight on, no furniture in the way...

You might want to try putting them on a set of cinder blocks as an experiment to see if it makes a difference before purchasing or constructing risers...

My .02.


"Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup..."