i am a big sports fan. mainly football, but i have to have something to fill the time during the off-season. NASCAR fills the void during the summer, cause i dont watch NBA til the playoffs(GO SPURS), and i honeslty cant stand baseball. its OK if you are at the park, but i just CANT watch it on TV. so, i am just not a big fan of it.

we go to see at least 1 or 2 cowboys games a year. and i go to a high school footall game pretty much every friday night during the fall. and if my hometown team is out of town, i will find some other local game to go to. i thinik, at that level, thats as pure and raw of football you will see. by the time they get to college and pros, most players have 'agendas'. in high school, they play cause they want to.. i like that..

i dont know if i would consider fishing a sport, but i do lots of that. and we shoot blackbirds off the top of fence posts with pellet guns at my friends house at the lake. i know that might seem cruel, but texas black birds are the ugliest most evil bird around. plus, they run off the dove, and them is good eats.. so we figure we are just doing ourselves a favor. oh, and i like to hunt, dove mainly. i used to hunt deer a lot, but my wife dont like venison, so its hard for me to finish one up.. so, i just get meat from friends when i want some.

i also play disc golf. yes, its exactly how it sounds. just like regular golf, but you use frisbees.. and instead of holes in the ground, you have baskets above ground that the discs have to land in. its easy and cheap, and tons of fun. you should try it someday.

i think thats it..
