I know I could never compare with Peter, but I'll flog my memory banks for some uninteresting tidbits.

When I was a little shaver(about 5 years old)I sat down in the neighbors garden and harvested all his tomato plants. At about the same time I was visiting my grandparents and I thought it would be to fill up their neighbors automobile gas tank with sand, one handful at a time. That took an entire afternoon. Both of these instances resulted in an angry phone call to my parents. I once picked up a rusty old ham can, filled it with water during a water fight, tripped and darn near sliced my thumb off. I got into a paint fight with my gf and I poured a full paint can over her head, I felt bad about that so I married the poor girl. I helped my best friend build a lifesize replica of the Star Ship Enterprise, but we couldn't get it to stand up. I don't want to reveal too much, so I'll stop now.