This is an enjoyable thread to read. Some funny stuff mentioned by different folks.

I'm single and just turned 23 years old last month. Since people were mentioning dating, I dated a girl in IL for 1 1/2 years, but things didn't work out. Now I'm not to anxious to get back into it as a lot of time, energy, emotion, yadi yada... was drained from me. boo hoo

Lets see weird stuff about me...

I have a very hard time sleeping if my knees are touching, so I put a pillow between them. (to much info maybe?)

I constantly chew the side of my mouth.

I hate certain heights. I can look up at a 50ft ceiling and my palms start sweating, or I won't go up on a 30ft scaffold. However roofs, ladders, really high places like the Eiffel Tower or something doesn't scare me.

I'm left handed yet the only thing I do is write and eat with it. Everything else I use my right hand for.

When I was 6 I nearly beheaded myself riding full speed thru a very thin white rope on my bike that was pretty much invisible. I snapped it but I had a gash around the entire front part of my neck.

When I was 8 or so I nearly lost my right eye when my brother shot me about 10 feet away with a blunt arrow. Hit the bone right below the eye some how.

When I was 10 on my very first day of having a BB gun I shot my grandpa's combine window out because shooting pop cans in the back yard was just boring. There went my allowance savings. Who woulda thought one BB would take out an entire combine window?

Anyway, those are just some of the things I can think of right now.
