I am trying to decide on which tv would be best for me and am having a hard time. From all of the reviews that I have read it seems that in terms of picture quality the Pioneer PDP-5080HD Kuro is the best one out there. Unless of course you get the 1080p version of the Pioneer instead of the 768p, but I can't afford the 1080p model. The pdp-5080 even beat out all the 1080p models it was competing against in the most recent issue of home theater magazine. The Panasonic 1080p plamsa came in a close second place and the sony a3000 sxrd came in a distant third place. The only downside to the Pioneer (or even the Panasonic) is that it is a plasma and is susceptible to burn in. The Pioneer, however, has a feature to help decrease the chance of this happening with its orbiter feature. The orbiter moves the image back and forth one pixel at a time or something like that? Anyway I read a review online where someone was saying that they have been watching television a couple hours a day and most of the channels have the icons in the lower corner and he hasn't had any burn-in issues with the Pioneer even after 4 months of doing this.

My viewing habits: I only watch dvd's or play video games. There is a lot of 2:35 movies and 4:3 tv shows on dvd that I watch and a little bit of 16:9 material. One concern that I have is that my wife will sometimes watch a 4:3 tv on dvd show and she will fall asleep and the menu screen will be the only thing on screen for about 20 or 30 minutes. But, my biggest worry is about playing video games on the Pioneer set. Some days I will play video games for nearly the entire day and I have read how this could be a problem if there are backgrounds that don't change much for a long time or if there are icons on the screen that don't change much. For example, suppose I race a 100 lap race on Gran Turismo 3. The race takes about an hour, so for the entire hour the RPM gauge is in that same spot on the screen. This could be a problem. I am hoping that I can go with the Pioneer since it has the best picture available that I can afford, as long as I can still play any video game that I want and even if I want to do it all day. But, if the burn-in is still that big of a problem then I may have to go with the distant third place Sony a3000 sxrd so that I don't have to worry about it.

Can anyone comment on Plasma burn-in with the Pioneer's with the orbiter feature on or even without it on?

Is it true that burn-in isn't a concern after about 100 hours or so?

Will the orbiter feature prevent any burn-in as long as I can stomach having this feature on?

thanks in advance for any replies, Nick