I have seen this graph many times. The reason that I said that 1080p doesn't make much difference on a 50" display from 8 feet away is because of the shoot-out in this month's Home Theater magazine. The 50" Pioneer 5810 being 768p was the only non-1080p display and it won the shoot-out. Nobody was able to notice the difference when viewing from 4 times the screen height. They said that if you are not sitting 6 feet or closer to the set then go with the 768p Pioneer. When viewing less than 6 feet from the display they were able to tell that it looked a little bit soft in comparison to the others. The Pioneer beat out the sony 60" sxrd, Mitsubishi diamond series RPTV, Panasonic top of the line 50" 1080p and a couple other lcd's. The explanation that the reviewers gave as to how a set with half the pixels as the others ones looking like it has as much details as the others was the contrast ratio. The Pioneer's contrast ratio is so much better than all the other display's that if fools the eye into thinking that there is more detail than there actually is. Being as I can't compare 720p vs 1080p in the store's (I have tryed but all the stores feed the sets a 720p signal), I have to take the word of the home theater reviewer's.

- Nick