Originally Posted By: dewd

Until I get an actual answer as to "why not use it"?

Why not to use it is if you don’t like how it makes your system sound. Conversely, why to use it is if you like the way it makes your system sound. ;\)

However, here’s the rub for someone like me who doesn’t like it for now:

 Originally Posted By: dewd

I know it seems like I'm a fanboy. I'm not really. I just know it works if setup correctly and do not like it when something is dismissed without reason. I react similarly when someone says that Axiom speakers are too bright.

I have set Audyssey up correctly more times than I can count in 3 different rooms and got very similar results (though not exactly the same results) that I didn’t like. In anticipation of someone who always asks, the answer is “yes,” I have followed the checklist posted at AVS something I’m pretty good at since I run maintenance and operational checklists for a living.

Just as you don’t like it when “something” is dismissed without reason I don’t like it when “someone” (especially me) is dismissed without reason (“…works if setup correctly“). While I accept there are likely purists out there who dismiss Audyssey out of hand and others who don’t use it optimally there are actually very many of us who do know how to use it and still don’t feel it works in our situations.

I can’t speak to others intentions in entering these debates but mine is simply to point out to any new people out there using Audyssey that it’s ok not to like how it makes your system sound. And that not liking it doesn’t require that you are incompetent at setting up and calibrating your system.

I also reserve the right to change my mind about Audyssey since this is not a religious crusade for me. It’s possible the implementation of Audyssey in my receiver is faulty, less likely that all 3 rooms are unmanageable (in the same way) and highly unlikely that it‘s user error.

Note, I’m also one of those “nonconformists” who considers Dolby Pro-Logic 2 and 2x a mixed bag. Again not because I’m being a purist but because of how it sounds to me. In the end how our systems sound to us and those we share them with is all that really should matter.


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