Seeking –

I’m certain you’ll enjoy the Axiom’s you’ve selected. From what I can tell, the vast majority of folks on the internet who don’t like Axioms are the ones who’ve never heard them.

In regards to your audio processor needs, I’d steer clear of Emo stuff. Ya, you’ll find a ton of folks who slobber praise all over them, but they are not cutting edge by any stretch and you’ll find just as many folks who are disappointed with their stuff as the other half. With the way HD has been going, and you are buying new, get the most up to date processor you can afford. Currently, Denon has the edge. I’d look to either the 4310 or the 4810 depending on your budget. Both will drive the M60’s without issue, and will even drive the M80’s without a whimper. Don’t let MSRP scare you either. You can get them at least 30% under that. The Denon’s are virtually unlimited with how you can set them up. So much so, they baffle the best of us.