Originally Posted By: grunt

Oh wait, wrong cause.

Nope. Right cause.
[soapbox] The truth is we don't really know. When I was a kid in grade school (yes, less than a century ago), we were all warned about the next ice age. Less than 30 years later it had switched to global warming due to elevated CO2 emissions from a variety of sources.
There was a recent study in the Netherlands (?) where researchers pumped CO2 rich air into a field to simulate a global warming type of environment. The result: bigger, faster growing plants. Who Knew? Wait, I did, for one. The next time you have a nice, warm, wood burning fire, hold onto that log for a second longer. Feel how heavy it is? All that carbon mass came from CO2 that the tree breathed in during its life. And while it was living it returned O2 for us to breath.
Want to end global warming? Plant some trees. [/soapbox]

