Originally Posted By: SRoode
LT said it before me... Snow on the ground in 49/50 states for the 1st time on record... Should we be pumping more carbon into the atmosphere to counterbalance the effect? ;\)

We (as the human race) are so small in comparison to this world. Even if a country like the USA, or Canada, China, or whomever decides to make cuts in carbon output, it will never make a real difference. Natural emissions are so much larger.

What you say is true, to a point. Natural emissions are much larger than human-caused emissions. But that's only part of the picture. Natural carbon emissions are also absorbed naturally (primarily by plants and the ocean). Nature has evolved to a point where the emission and absorption systems are in balance.

The carbon emissions human add to the mix are too much for nature to absorb. About 60% of our emissions end up in the atmosphere.

Source: http://www.skepticalscience.com/human-co2-smaller-than-natural-emissions.htm