One option that I'm a little confused about is PCM vs DSD.

On the back of the SACD, there is a logo for DSD. When I flip back and forth from PCM and DSD options on the OPPO, it doesn't restart the track and there is no sound difference. There is an on screen note when picking DSD that says it requires a DSD compatible receiver. I don't know if Pioneer Elite VSX 21TXH model is, or not. When playing the disk, the receiver panel displays the letters SACD, so I know it's recognizing it as an SACD disk.

According to other stuff I've read online, SACD is always in the DSD (Direct Stream Digital) format. Some were originally recorded in PCM, but it gets converted to DSD before put on the disk. I guess there must be some old ones out there still in the pre-converted condition. It this is so, I'd think that the player would automatically change to PCM without requiring a person to manually make that switch. Confusing.

Last edited by CatBrat; 03/21/12 03:20 PM.