Originally Posted By: J. B.
Bridgman, you said: "that's why the general recommendation is absorption on the back wall and diffusion on the front."

i was surprised at reading this; i always did the diffusion on the back wall and the absorption on the front one.
in fact, i use both absorption AND diffusion on the front wall, but only diffusion on the back wall.

Whoops, you're right. I have definitely seen recommendations for dead back wall and live front wall, but I did have at least one of the "standard practices" (Live End / Dead End) backwards. Apparently the idea with LE/DE is to have the speakers in the dead end so the first room effects you hear are recorded reflections from the studio, and only later do you hear reflections from the listening room.

Good catch, thanks.

Right now I don't have much of a back wall (the living room, dining room, kitchen and loft are all basically one big area if you ignore the floor between the loft and the kitchen/dining area) and my front wall is a big window, so I'm kinda hoping I won't need a lot of treatments on either, other than curtains over the window on the front wall.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8