
If you were a rich person, would you still honestly go and buy $50,000 speakers just because you could? Or would you honestly say to yourself, $10,000 speakers will be just as good as those $50,000 and hence why spend the extra $40,000?

You have to have a sense of humility to answer the poll honestly.
Just because you are rich does not equate to spending money in ridiculous ways. Even rich people watch what they spend their money on otherwise they would never be rich and the rest of the world's people would be receiving money like crazy.

So what i want to know is if money was not really an issue (lets say you had a $300,000 budget for a stereo), would you HONESTLY buy really expensive speakers or is there a value range in which you believe the more expensive and supposedly "better' sound is not worth the money paid?

For example, if you sat down today and listened to 20k and 10k speakers and could not hear a difference, then (even if you were rich) would you still bother buying the 20k speaker?
I'm not looking for people saying "yes, i would" just because you could, hence my continuing use of the word 'honestly'. I want to get an idea of what people think is really the maximum level at which there is no advantangeous return on the sound quality dollar for dollar.

As you say, you would "buy the best-sounding best-looking speakers that fit in my mansion, which I would imagine would put me in the $50K and up range."
Do you really think that the best sound and best looking automatically fall above 50k?
Or do you possibly believe that anything after the 5k mark is all sound about the same and have equally good finishes? or perhaps anything after the 10k mark? or maybe even just the $1000 level.
To bring it to an extreme, would a $50 million dollar speaker sound better than a $10 million dollar speaker or a $100,000 speaker?
So even if you were rich, is that $50 million speaker really worth its price or would even a rich person say, screw that, the $15,000 speaker is excellent for my tastes?
What is the maximum price point that you would pay....

THAT is what the poll is getting at.

For me, my limit would be between 6k and 8k or so. Beyond that and i think its wasted money (too much of a diminishing return for the price paid).

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."