Hi 302!

Ever been to the AVS forum? There are a few guys,(trolls)over there with their own agendas who find it the greatest of fun to trash Axiom incessently! It can either be ammusing or annoying depending on your outlook!

HT can be lots of fun too! And comparing internet speakers side by side is easy if you want to try more than one internet company at a time and don't mind return shipping costs for the looser!....or LooserS!! But that can get pretty pricy!

Canadian sound?

...can't get much more Canadian than Axiom!!Remember; Ian; along with Paul, and a few others, are the co-writers of the Canadian speaker manifesto!!

I know not all Canadians sound the same, just depends on which dialect you prefer; eh?

When you talk about the M22s and M40s, you are discussing the two speakers in the Axiom line that are about as far apart from each other as you can possibly get!! The M22s(andM2s)are the most accurate but lightest/thinnest sounding. While the(discontinued)M40 was the warmest, most "tube"like sounding of the bunch!

I know you've probably gone over this before with your Dad, but I'll try to give "MY"(quick)take on it:

Bookshelf speakers.

M2 and M22; Take-no-prisoners accurate, Tell it like it is, no appologies!! M22 has more bass than M2.

M3; Neutral. Friendly though! Nobody dosen't like these guys! Will not annoy unless the recording is neigh unlistenable from the git-go!Good music sounds really good; great music sounds, uh..really good.


M40 and M50. M40; warmer than M3s but tons more bass, M50 slightly more foreward than M3s but tons more bass. Not quite as much bass and not quite as foreward sounding or as accurate as the...

M60s,.. and M80s: See M22 and M2. M60 has tons more bass, M80 has tons more bass and the abillity to rupture your eardrums at 75ft while you're saying "Wow, that's clean"!!

Ok....now, if you're curious, you can spend lots of fun time going through the products pages of this web site and all the reviews published.

And even if you aren't interested in Axiom, well,...sometimes it helps during a friendly argument if you know more about: the "enemy"

Have fun