I want to build on a point Cam made earlier. I have been alternating between Netflix and Blockbuster with 3 at a time mail deliveries for a couple of years. The depth and breadth of selections with each are remarkable. I try and get movies I might not otherwise rent and also look for older classics that might not be available in a store (High Noon, Rio Bravo, etc.) The point is that this opens up a much broder array of subject matter.

I try and use Amazon to help me make selections. If you get into their DVD section and type in the name of a movie (or actor), the screen that comes up provides great info on the movie, but a little further down, they also provide 4-5 recommendations for other movies of a similar type. You can walk through quite a smorgasboard of selections you may not otherwise think of.

The other beauty of Netflix/Blockbuster is the broad selection of concert & music videos as well as TV series (I just finished the 3 seasons of the original Star Trek series). You normally don't see this selection at a B&M store.