Living just about as far south in "Sunny" California as you can get, I like the contrast to where I grew up (just north of Dwight)... This is why I moved here!

Current conditions as of 5:47 pm PDT
Feels Like: 71°
Barometer: 30.01 in and rising
Humidity: 27%
Visibility: Unlimited
Dewpoint: 37°
Wind: Calm
Sunrise: 6:54 am
Sunset: 6:12 pm
73°High: 75° Low: 53°

Tonight Tomorrow Fri Sat Sun 6-10 Day
Extended Forecast
Clear Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny
High: 75°
Low: 53° High: 78°
Low: 54° High: 77°
Low: 57° High: 78°
Low: 57° High: 79°
Low: 57°

Sorry guys!

Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion: you must set yourself on fire!