Shoot Amie, that's just the riding right from my house....You wouldn't believe the places you can go around here. There's even a whole network of cross country ski trails right out the back yard too. I have plenty of room if you get the itch to come up. Have Ian bring up one of them fancy amps he's playing with.

Moto-cross helmets are the only way to go. We ride pretty hard, lots of air, deep snow, boon-dogging, sidehilling and just plain crazy assed stuff that most rational people wouldn't ever do. It's usually full throttle until you get too tired to hold on, then take a break. With these helmets and quick straps for the goggles, it's real quick to pull off the helmet and relax a bit. Plus, they're light and the goggles don't fog up. I usually have three sets of goggles with me.....clear, blue and amber for the different snow conditions. When it's real cold, I just put on a head sock.