thanks for all the input guys. I ask about the receiver because if it would scale my satellite image up to look good then I could actually watch a lot of the channels I like that are not in HD. Funny, now that I have hd I can sit and watch a show that is just a tree blowing in the wind for hours, but have a hard time watching any other chanel. WEIRD!!! ANyway, is there much difference between the dcdi chip in the 805 in comparison to 875 onkyo? I had the bd 1200 for a few days and I was impressed with how nice it made my regular dvd's look. A little bit sharper, but mostly the color saturation and I guess the depth of the image was much better. Oh, and jaggies were NO WHERE to be seen. Sorry, my mind is wondering. So does anyone know the diff between those two chips and does anyone think these chips will do anything for the highly compressed pictures we get sent to make a difference. It's hard to make garbage look good. Finally about the projectors. Who votes for what??? Do I do the sanyo or spend the money to get the epson 1080? I am afraid of the Panny 1000 cause I don't like rebates, they always seem to get lost or denied for some reason. Not to mention it's like waiting for your taxes to come back. I'm allso afraid because of all the problems I have heard about with the 100ax. Are these similar builds? So that kinda leaves me with the epson for a choice. When do the new projector models come out?? How long till we see a Z6 or better?

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center