
Try the files section at Remote Central for the JVC (don't forget that a manufacturer will use the same codes for different models). The Pronto MX files are here and the Pronto .ccf files are here . You might also try the files for projectors.

Additionally, check/search in the Universal Remote Control forum and the Discrete Code Hunter forum .

If you opt for the Sony, there is a wealth of files, most notably this one (you only need to find video input 8 in a newer model's file).

Also, for the Sony, you can disable the VID inputs you aren't using. I suspect a similar functionality is available for the JVC.

Just to add some spice these folks get consistently excellent marks as etailers. Take a look at the commercial models - TH-50PH10UK @ $1448 and the TH-58PH10UK for $2090. They look to close enough for you to pick up.

Whatever you choose, the MX is up to it.