Eragon and Eldest were very engaging books...looking forward to the next in the series...and to think Eragon was originally written by a 15 year Old Christopher Paolini...

The book deserved a better adaptation into a movie...the movie was "Ehhhhhh". Like most books adapted for screenplays, there was SOOOOOO MUCH that they left out which was vital for the story...that's what happens when you rush a product sheerly to make money with it...Could have been so good.

They have released a date for the third book in the "Inheritance" series...waiting for details...

My wife keeps wanting me to clean out my "library" to make room...

HEY! Here's an idea...give books away similar to what CV is doing with CD's and such...

Things that make you go HMMMMMMMM....


"Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup..."