Originally Posted By: Hutzal
 Originally Posted By: chesseroo

I sit around 10' from a 92" screen,

You like the front row effect?

Well, to tell you the truth, My seats are in the optimal position in the room (I think 40% from the back wall of the total room length). And it came out to 10' or so. So I have the best sound and an awesome immersion in the film.

One problem that I didn't forsee is getting an Xbox360 and playing FPS'. I bought one last weekend for my birthday (with my b-day money) and I bought Call Of Duty 4 (which is a freakin' awesome game, better than Halo 3), and I get dizzy sometimes with the realistic running that they portray in that game.

Most of the time I am ok, and its pretty sweet mowing guys down with a sniper rifle on a 92" screen from 10 feet \:\)

To respond to your question, I hate the front row at movie theatres, my neck is always pointing straight up, thats no good, but with the screen at eye level, 10 feet from 92" isn't all that bad, I actually prefer the angle of viewing now.

COD 4 is an amazing game...but i'm getting screen envy as I only play it on my 15" Macbook Pro

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