yes, the wait is not nice.

i really wanted to make the purchase so the speakers arrived Monday, but was to busy agonizing over what to get. anticipated delievery is this coming Wednesday.

i know signature is required, but if you miss the delievery attempt is it easy to reschedule? actually, at this point it would be best if i could just have them deliever the speakers Thursday (a day later then projected) as i will be home all day for my carpet install. is there a way to let them know this ahead of time? (the pain never ends \:\) )

this is funny, but i am already rethinking my AVR purchase. i picked up a Denon 2808CI back in November on a smoking deal from however, i may have jumped the gun. three features of the 3808CI have me wanting more. 4 HDMI inputs, network cababilities for streaming music to it, and its awesome looking GUI.

could i possibly upgrade equipment before even taking the original out of the box?!@?!

clearly i have a sickness.
