Originally Posted By: EFalardeau
It is an amazing product. I was a sceptic about separates (because of past experiences) before I got an A1400 in my place. I am now a complete convert.

I'll bet! This amp really really intrigues me. I'm still learning a lot about amplifiers in terms of how they work and how they can affect the sound. I like the 'technology' behind this amp. Except for this 'Audessey' thing which I don't really understand. I mean, I don't mean to piss anyone here off, but tell me, what real true 'audiophile' would EVER let a machine do a calibration for them? I always thought an 'audiophile' used their own ears and perhaps a ratshack meter (just to verify their own ears... as if they need to ;)) to get their sound just right. I know I've never used a built in program, just test tones, and since I'm not an audiophile, an analog ratshack SPL meter. Works great, easier on the amps too I guess \:\)

However, because of this 'flaw' shall we say, does that meant there is a problem with the design? I don't know, but if there is I'm sure the good folks at Axiom will resolve it a lot quicker than I can decide what amp to buy lol.

Right now, I'm debating between D-Sonic, Wyred for Sound, and the Axiom amps for D class amps. I'm not 100% I'm even going this route, but sound quality, size, power consumption (and delivery of course) are high on my priorty lists, and the D-Class amps seem to be the leaders for all three at their price points anyway.

Don't let this thread die folks. Keep posting your impressions/experiences with this amp. I'm all ears (so to speak) \:\)

Last edited by Kpt_Krunch; 03/28/08 05:00 AM.