
I’m not bored with you!! Just this subject. Sorry for sounding so harsh. I’ve just spent a lot of time answering this question. Allan Loft has a great article somewhere around this place that’s worth reading. It goes into the whole processes of cadence detection and interlacing processes which will make it very clear why NATIVE 720P is better than NATIVE 1080i.

Now…If you start out with say, a 480i source and rely on the display’s internal video processor to up scale that input – then the argument becomes nothing more than words on semantics and personal opinions debating whose display is better. It no longer is a discussion over which RESOLUTION is better, but which VP is better.

TYPICALLY – 720P, even when it’s an upscalled image, it will look better. This is very evident during panning shots.

Best regards………

I didn't know the search was goofy.... It used to be very good.