Wow.. Thank you John and Mike.. I have created a "monster" !! but in a good way I think ;\)

Like I said before..complicated stuff for those without a broadcast / video engineering masters degree

I think part of the reason why I like my HD CRT picture quality, albeit the highest I've watched is regular DVD, might have something to do with my CRT's capabilities in black levels, maybe ?. I don't know and I don't pretend to fully understand..

All I am saying is that to my eyes, my Sony XBR 34" 1080i CRT TV looks pretty damm good for the stuff I'm watching on it.. and that I am under - impressed with the HD picture (satelite) I have seen on my father in law's brand new Panasonic 46" plasma 800 series tv..
I just expected much better PQ ..and that is a BIG reason why I have not switched to HD broadcast or replace my TV yet..

Acoustic Zen Adagio, Veritas center, Axiom EP500, QS8s, Anthem AVM20, MC20,Adcom GFA7400