Mdrew, so much for being bored with the subject hey ? Great post, thanks so much for the explanation. This stuff can get pretty hard to understand.

So, since the broadcast signal is 1080i only, there should not be much difference between 1080i and 720p right ? because the VP is converting 1080interlaced to 720progressive. Now if the signal was 1080Progressive to start with, then 720progressive would not look as good..

That's if I understand what you are saying.

Bottom line, broacast HD signal kind of sucks either way. My older CRT display probably hides some the SD flaws so my "overall" impression of picture quality is quite good, the HD signals I have seen on my father in law new Panasonic are a bit sharper, but with a lot of noise, artifacts etc.. So, that's the main reason I'm still on standard digital signals and not hd digital signals yet.

Now, I'm sure a native Blue Ray at 1080P would be nice on his 1080P Panasonic. It might even look good on my 1080i CRT !!

Thanks again, Most informative.

Acoustic Zen Adagio, Veritas center, Axiom EP500, QS8s, Anthem AVM20, MC20,Adcom GFA7400