Thanks for the advice guys. Joe -> the only problem I see with using 2x6's is that the end product needs to be just over 20" tall, so even if I did 3 boxes out of 2x6s on top of each other topped with a sheet of 3/4" plywood, I'm only up to 17" or so (before carpet).

I haven't gone to Home Depot yet to price this out, so if the 2x10's are really that expensive I might be motivated to get more creative.

Thanks for the advice on putting roofing felt between wood and joist hanger. Sounds like a likely place for some creaking/squeaking, good plan.

Building it out of solid wood like you show increases the likelihood of wood movement over time, which will cause the joints to loosen and eventually start creaking and squeaking.

Joe, can you please clarify what you meant by this? "building it out of solid wood" What would the other option be?

Thanks again guys...


Epic 80-800: HG Cherry