Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
No matter who you're voting for, get out there and do it!
This is one sentiment that I really never got behind... not to be contrary, but we heard about it in our recent popularity contest federal election as well (we got 59.1% voter turnout). People have died for our right to vote, but I always felt that with that right came the responsibility of keeping yourself in-the-know about party platforms, and histories of what they've done, how they've done it, and how they've kept their promises before.

I'd rather have 50% of registered voters with a clear concept of what's going on voting than 100% of people voting with half of them voting for "the smiley guy" or "I see a lot of this person's signs around"... but I guess it's a little different here, since we vote locally, then those filled seats determine our Prime Minister.

Just something I never understood... "you should vote, even if you have no clear opinion on the matter"... kind of adds an element of chaos theory to the whole thing.

Bren R.