Originally Posted By: Murph

This sounds like an amazing program. So much so, I'm kind of afraid to even try it. I can easily see me sifting and exploring through thousands of items every night until all hours of the morning.

Noticed the time hack on my post did you? In the last “review post” I make in this thread that was going to be one of the Cons to buying this program. As if I don’t already have enough excuses to waste time in front of the computer already. I guess a side benefit is that the TV has been off for days now.

 Originally Posted By: CV

I hear the word "composer" and think man, too, but Yoko Kanno is actually a woman. Of course, your finger could have just missed the s, and I'm parading around my sexism. Ha ha.

Thanks for catching that. I did miss the “s” but not your normal type-o sort of miss, more your basic brain-don’t-work-right type. I have pretty bad dyslexia I once even misspelled the word “of“ as “ov“ in a paper. The girl who was proofing my papers thought I was messing with her, thank heavens for spell check, unfortunately “he” is a real word. I also have to be very careful of writing run-on-sentences but it makes reading Marx easier. I try to proof things carefully so people don’t think I’m being lazy or rude but sometimes things just slip by especially in the wee hours of the morning. One benefit of being dyslexic is that having a miss-wired brain is suppose to enhance “outside the box” thinking ability or is that the concussions can‘t remember.

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