So I guess I need the following: banana plugs, sub cable, SPL metre and....a camera!! lol. Hey you in the bleachers back there! yeah you! lol.

Ok, I've emailed about some banana plugs(Nakamichi) locally, hopefully I'll get a response either tonight or early tomorrow, the guy's not too far away so I could pick them up. Ordering on the internet's fine(thanks for the links, guys) but it may take a while if I go that route, unfortunately.

I looked at the back of the Denon and it looks rather awkward to hardwire it temporarily, which surprised me...I think they WANT you to use banana plugs or forks on the connection rather than hardwiring.

Still, has anyone used these Nakamichi plugs? my only concern is that they might be brass rather than copper.

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.