You all are so white. The first rule of . . . being the ethnic underdog is to escalate adversity! It's no use making nice, just look at the status quo and that's what you get. Are you happy now? Didn't anyone see the Kings of Comedy?

If Charles states that there was a racist over- or under-tone to the comments that's good enough for me. Be as dismissive as you want, ignorance is your right, we call it free speech. It won't change the fact that the most important social changes to occur in the last hundred years or so (more like a couple thousand, but who's counting not much happened for a while) have all stemmed from the willingness of people to speak out against prejudice.

So do I get the last word now for real Zimm or shall I await your comeback? You want to say something in return, I know you can't resist. Oh please share, let us hear whatever clever phrase you can coin, and don't forget how much joy you can derive from even more irony.

Oh wait, I hear a great fish with your name on it, or is it a whale, he's calling to you, yes he says his name is Moby, or perhaps it's Marlin, or could it be Macho, oh how unPC of me . . .

"If you try to turn toward it, you go against it."