Tks Doc, I've got the M80s hardwired for the moment but I think I'll order some Banana plugs just for convenience. Debbie, at Axiom told me back in the fall that they generally hardwire their speakers, I guess it all depends if your moving them around much. I don't feel I need to rush out and buy some overpriced plugs at BB or FS now, lol.

Oddly enough, I'm listening to some "Live" right now--explanation; When I was auditioning other speakers, I used their song "Lightning Crashes" but was dissappointed with the guitar intro because there was alot of background hiss that is quite prominant at the beginning until the song builds up and drowns it out. That hiss is there on the Axioms, as well of course...NO!! they didn't magically get rid of the hiss, lol, but one thing I did notice was how the guitar intro kept moving slowly across the soundstage and back a couple of times. I'm sure it was there before, but it was very noticeable this time.

I've got hardwood floors that are partly covered with a thick wool rug, I may need a couple more of those very small rugs to put under end tables too, to help with damping reflections. Might put a nice rug up on the wall above the couch too, for acoustics and appearance as well.

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.