This is a great shot showing the grain/color of Mark's Beech Axioms (I poached from Shag's 'Definitive Technology' thread). Thanks Mark! I'm trying to decide between beech and maybe light maple for my room. For closer comparison, I've copied two shots of my room after Mark's photo.
 Originally Posted By: Mark
I have this old one from a few years ago:

Marks photo shows the grain of the beech. In person I'm curious if the combination of the grain and color looks real. (meaning very good ;o). When I saw Adam's light maple M60's they looked awesome and like real wood to me. I do not know if part of that was because the grain on the light maple is very subtle. I guess the question to you beeches out there (I mean that in a loving caring way ;o), is how would you describe the finish, color, grain of your Axioms. I have Axiom's samples, but in their small size, neither the beech nor lt. maple looks that good. But, like I said, in person, the lt. maple blew me away. Wondering if the beech would have a similar reaction.

It's just trying to pick what best color fits my room....

I have lots of maple (kitchen cabinets, dining room table, 3' x 7' bookshelf left side of front of my front HT wall. An oak coffee table. The big cherry paradigm servo15 sub is moved from the front wall to the right wall, directly right of couch/ list. pos., so it will be less of a non color match issue with the fronts. Kitchen, dining room and path down left wall (to bedroom) are oak. Carpeted floor between couches and front wall is light beige.

Last edited by davekro; 03/05/09 04:28 PM. Reason: add pics of my room


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