Originally Posted By: Argon
Your QS8 placements - are they directly beside your couch or beside and to the rear? The reason I ask is (when I get them) I will be in a bonus room with knee walls and a 60 degree slope to the ceiling. The couch is against the sloped wall - so unless I pull the couch out, the speakers will be directly beside. Not have experienced a true HT set up, should I look at how I can get the speakers slightly behind - in your (or other's) opinion?............Rob

Mine are slightly to the rear. I'd say the middle of the QS8s line up to the very back of my couch (so really no more than a foot behind a seated ear level.) I don't believe you'll experience that big of a difference moving them another few inches closer (if you're directly beside you instead of a few inches back like mine).

Alan also posted an article on this here: http://axiomaudio.com/surroundtheory.html

And to me, it looks both of our plans fit in the suggested target angle. Also, remember since your surrounds are going to be close to your back wall, that rear firing speaker will probably give you even more of a phantom "rear" sound as it should be bouncing from behind you too. (and maybe even more from the top speaker hitting your slanted wall.)

People here prove you can tweak forever, but my bet is if you're in the ballpark they're going to sound good for you.